NJ Coupons for Businesses & Services in New Jersey

New Jersey Business Directory
of Local NJ Jersey Shore Area Companies
- Arts and Entertainment
- Auto and Boat
- Business to Business
- Construction
- Education
- Event Planning
- Fitness and Sports
- Health and Beauty
- Home and Garden
- Industrial
- Medical

Jersey Shore locals take pride in being from and living in one of the greatest places in America. ShopJerseyShore.com is a resource for local parents, students, seniors and residents who are on a budget to support local New Jersey shore area businesses. The NJ Business Directory above lists small businesses in New Jersey who have sent us their business listing information for inclusion on this site. Visit our NJ Coupons page to find online coupons for businesses and services providing offers and discounts in Monmouth and Ocean County New Jersey.
ShopJerseyShore.com isn’t just for parents on a budget. Our NJ business directory and Jersey Shore coupons are perfect for students who want to save money while paying for school and many of our participating companies offer senior discounts so be sure to ask. If you are a business owner in NJ, our directory becomes your local business network where you can find vendors and associates who serve clients and customers in your area. Spread the word about your business by Advertising on this site with your own Coupon Page.
Your feedback is always appreciated and we love to hear from NJ residents and visitors. Tell us your favorite thing about the garden state and share your favorite pictures of the Jersey Shore with us on our Facebook Page.